Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 1- Pink Lemonade

Welcome to the first of my VeganMoFo posts...also affectionatly known as 31 days of cupcake. By the end of the month, it's going to look like a frickin' Baskin Robbins around here...except with less dairy and more cupcakes. And I promise, no repeats!
My first cupcake of the month is Pink Lemonade. It's a vanilla-lemon flavoured yellow cake on the bottom, with lemonade-y pink buttercream frosting(with real lemon zest and lemonade in it!) swirled on top, and finished off with a curly lemon twist.
I should have warned you. I am by no means a pro photographer. And sometimes I just click away with stuff all over the counters...this is an at home bakery! So please ignore the occasionally less than stellar backgrounds(chickpeas, anyone?) I'll try to pretty things up a bit for future posts.


Jen Treehugger said...

Did I understand that right?
A different Cupcake every day of the week???
This is going to be totally awesome - I hope you have people to share all those Cuppies out to otherwise someone's gonna need bigger jeans.
Happy Mofo'ing!

Monique a.k.a. Mo said...

Woah. 31 days of cupcakes sounds like insanity! I love it!

Ashley Gibson said...

OoOo can't wait to see more cupcake love!! Who eats all the leftovers? You must have many happy friends!

Jenni Unicorn said...

I'm so excited about your blog! I would totally do this if I knew I had the self-control not to eat 31 dozen cupcakes. :P

Susan said...

I think I'm coming to your place for October! I can't wait to see all the flavours you make.

Pink lemonade sounds amazing!

kelly said...

hehe..thanks guys! Actually I'm getting around making a whole 31 dozen by tinkering with basic doughs and making just two or three of everything...also, posting a few things I haven't got around to showing anyone yet. I have to do some serious baking on the weekend if I want to keep up though!

Tara said...

Where are all of your recipes coming from?

They look delicious!

kelly said...

most of them are variations and improvisations on the recipes in Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World. I'm probably going to do a post about it in the soon-time.:)