No, that's not at all obscene, so clean out your dirty mind. VeganMoFo stands for October, the Vegan Month Of FOod. It's an annual blog event where vegans from all over the interwebz commit to doing a blog post about delicious vegan food every day for a whole month. This is my first year with a blog/website, so Kelly's Kupcakery is going to be joining in this year with (drum roll please) ...31 Days Of Cupcakes!
So, I'm already doing some advance baking to be ready. I'm also getting my entry ready for the Toronto Veg Association's 2nd annual Totally Fabulous Vegan Bake-Off, with takes place on October 2nd (which is also world vegetarian day!). So tune in starting October 1st, for your daily dose of cupcake!
1 comment:
Amazing! I hope the other contestants are getting worried. I can't wait to see what you create for Saturday.
See you there!
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